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Friday, August 5, 2011

How to Cook Rice

Close-up of grains of jasmine riceImage via Wikipedia
Rice is excellent as an ingredient or as a dish.  Chefs and health experts boast of the superiority of brown rice over white rice, and I think it is probably true.  White rice is the heart of the grain with the husk removed.  There are nutrients in the husk, but to some of it it's like eating the corn with the shucks. Brown rice is also tougher in texture and nuttier in flavor.

My favorite kind of white rice is Jasmine.  It is more expensive and more difficult to find than plain, unnamed white rice.  Basmati is also good.  Both of these are long grain rices.  I justify my expenditure by being very careful not to waste it.  I cook a small amount and use it judiciously.  Cooked rice will keep in a closed container for five to seven days.  It freezes well, either as an ingredient in a dish or alone. 

To reheat, put the rice on a plate or in a bowl and moisten it with a tablespoon or two of water and cover with a paper towel.  Heat in the microwave for 15 to 30 seconds.  You may add it to soup or other ingredients on top of the stove.  If you add cooked rice to soup, try to add it at the end of the cooking so it does not get soggy or disappear altogether.

How to Cook Rice

Add 1 cup of rice to two cups of salted boiling water.  Rice doubles when it cooks.  Place a tight fitting lid on the pan and reduce the heat to simmering.  Do not uncover pan, not even a peek. Cook for 15 minutes.  Remove from heat.  Fluff with a fork.

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