We're in this for the long haul

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Dieting Is so Misleading!!!

Don't believe everything you read or hear about dieting.  Nobody can guarantee that you will lose a specified amount in a week or a month.  Many diets are publicized as fabulous and better than sliced bread, but they may be lying.  I read a list of 10 or 11 of the worst diets  the other day, and I couldn't believe people would actually eat them.  

If you want to plan a diet for yourself, first make a list of the things you like, things you would eat on a regular basis, like every week or month.  

Next evaluate whether they are healthful.  Do they have vitamins, minerals, protein?  And whether you can afford them.  Are they available in you area, or this season?

Do you need to restrict them to occasional treats?  

Now your planning gets really tough.  You may have to estimate calorie counts and nutrient requirements.  One way to try to balance your diet is to make sure you eat various colors of vegetables--yellow, green, red, white, orange.  

Another rule about colors lets you know which cheese is the lower calorie--white cheeses are usually lower in fat than yellow.

If you plan for a week at a time, try to eat several different kinds of meat because fish has nutrients that beef doesn't even though both provide good source of protein.  Chicken and turkey are less fat than beef and pork.  Game like venison is usually very lean.

Active people--people who run, engage in regular training, or play sports--can eat a higher calorie diet than people who are less active, but high levels of fat and sugar may still be causing cholesterol buildup in arteries.  

The general rule is control carbs, restrict fat and sugar, eat abundant fruits and vegetables.  Get a good chart of nutrients to plan a more detailed diet.

Bottom line--think in terms of "Is this good, do I need it, will it provide what I need" instead of "That looks good, I like it, I'll diet later.

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